Scraping a DIV Element from a Web Page with PHP

PHP logo

I recently read an article about CodeEval, a free gamified website for ranking developers, and bringing employers and developers together. Essentially, a developer can sign up, complete coding challenges, and earn badges and a “Hacker Ranking” that will compare his or her skills to others who have signed up on the site. Also, completing some challenges will allow the developer to unlock the ability to apply for jobs with various tech startups through the site.

After completing some of the challenges I decided to see if, like Klout and some other social ranking sites, I could get a widget to put on my blog that would show my “Hacker Rank”. Unlike Kred, CodeEval apparently does not have this functionality as yet. So I decided to make my own.

The ranking information is shown in a div element on the user’s public profile, assuming that the user allows the profile to be shown.

Using the PHP code below, I was able to scrape the information from CodeEval’s site. Next, in a Text widget on WordPress, I create an empty table and used jQuery to populate the empty table with the div I scraped from CodeEval along with CSS code that I included in my PHP file to give the badge a similar look and feel to what is on the CodeEval site. Ultimately, I could create a WordPress plugin for this, so that it could be done without having to create the codeeval.php file on the site, but I haven’t done that yet.

This code could be used to scrape from any site, as long as the element has a unique class name and PHP has file_get_contents enabled.


$previous_value = libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE);
$codeeval = $_GET['codeeval'];
$score_url = '' . $codeeval . '/';
$html = file_get_contents($score_url);
$classname = 'wrapper-rank';
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$results = $xpath->query("//*[@class='" . $classname . "']");

/* this function preserves the inner content of the scraped element.
** So be sure to go and give that post an uptick too:)
function innerHTML(DOMNode $node)
  $doc = new DOMDocument();
  foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) {
    $doc->appendChild($doc->importNode($child, true));
  return $doc->saveHTML();
<a href="<?php echo $score_url; ?>" style="text-decoration:none;text-align:center;font-family:Arial Black;color:black;" target="_blank">
<div class="codeeval">
<img src="" alt="CodeEval" />
<h3>hacker ranking</h3>
<div class="wrapper-rank">
foreach ($results as $node) {
    $full_content = innerHTML($node);
   echo $full_content;

Here is the CSS I used:

.codeeval img {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
background-color: white;
.codeeval h3 {
text-align: center;
color: #CC240A;
letter-spacing: 0.2em;
text-transform: uppercase;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.wrapper-rank {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #CC240A;
padding: 5px;
width: 258px;
height: 69px;
font-style: Arial;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 12px;
.wrapper-rank .main-rank {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #BB2610;
clear: both;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 15px;
text-align: center;
width: 228px;
height: 39px;
.wrapper-rank .main-rank h4 {
color: white;
float: left;
font-size: 58px;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: center;
.wrapper-rank .main-rank span {
color: #FFFF00;
float: left;
font-size: 20px;
margin: 15px 0 0 5px;
text-align: left;
.wrapper-rank .main-rank span em {
color: #222222;
display: block;
font-style: normal;
font-size: 16px;

After the codeeval.php file is created, create this table in the Text widget:

   <tr style="vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;">
      <td id="codeeval" style="width:100%;vertical-align:top;text-align:center;">

Lastly, you need to get the unique ID in the URL from your CodeEval public profile for use below. This jQuery statement will populate the table above with the scraped div.

(function($) {
$("#codeeval").load("/codeeval/codeeval.php?codeeval=<<your CodeEval ID>>");

For further reading about CodeEval and similar sites, read Thoughts on Professional Learning – Inspired by CodeEval & HackerRank.

Validating Email Addresses Using Regular Expressions in C#


Validating email addresses using regular expressions can be daunting, especially if you read articles like the RFC 822.

The best regex I’ve found so far was on StackOverflow, and it can be implemented easily:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(args[0]))
        while (!reader.EndOfStream)
            string line = reader.ReadLine();
            if (null == line)
            Match match = Regex.Match(line, @"\A(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\Z", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (match.Success)
	            } else {

The bona fide regex for email addresses is ridiculously long, and looks like some alien language rather than a useful code. I think it’s a bit of an overkill for most use cases. Taken from Paul Warren’s page on the RFC822 Perl module:

(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
)+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:
\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(
?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[
\t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\0
31]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\
](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+
(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:
(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*|(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z
|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)
?[ \t])*)*\<(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\
r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[
 \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)
?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
)*))*(?:,@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[
 \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*
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\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:
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]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031
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[ \t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)*:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\]
\000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|
\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>
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()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)
?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>
@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*(?:,@(?:(?:\r\n)?[
 \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,
;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]
)*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\
".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*)*:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)?
(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".
\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:
\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[
"()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|"(?:[^\"\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])
*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])
+|\Z|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\
.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z
|(?=[\["()<>@,;:\\".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*\>(?:(
?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*)?;\s*)

Of course, if you don’t want to go the regex route, you can cheat a bit and take advantage of the try/catch feature to determine if your address is valid:

static bool IsValidEmail(string email)
                var mail = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(email);
                return true;
                return false;

I generally avoid this sort of coding, but it will work in a pinch. It is better to use regex, at least it is better for your coding skills, as such knowledge will carry over to other languages that can’t use the .NET Framework to find a badly formatted email address.

For further reading on this topic: Phil Haack’s article on email address validation

Scheduled Task to Ensure that a Windows Service is Running

Windows Server logo

Some applications running under Windows services do not always remain in the running state, even when there is no apparent reason that they should stop. This is often due to a bug in the application, or perhaps the connection with the database that was being used by the application was temporarily broken.

In my case, a third-party application that I support (with no control over its source code) has a service that stops without warning to the user from time to time. Regardless of the reason as to why the stop control was sent by the application, the service needs to be running all the time. If this service were stopping due to a crash in the service, Windows has options in the services dialog box that can automatically restart a crashed service, or restart the server itself. These options do not help me, as it is the application sending a stop command to the service. I needed a simple way to ensure that the service is always running. The following batch file, using the actual Service Name (not the Display Name) of the service in place of “ServiceName”, will start the service if it is not running, and do nothing otherwise.

FOR /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %%H IN ('SC QUERY "ServiceName" ^| FINDSTR "        STATE"') DO (
  IF /I "%%H" NEQ "RUNNING" (
   NET START "ServiceName"

By saving this as a batch file and setting up a Scheduled Task to run the file on a regular interval such as every five or ten minutes, this will minimize the necessity of manually restarting the service when it is shut down unintentionally, that is, without the intention of the application administrator. The task should be disabled when one needs to have the service shut down for maintenance or troubleshooting.