Fixing the “Identity key store file not found” Error in Primavera P6 EPPM

Recently, I’ve installed multiple instances of Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM version 21 on Windows servers running Oracle WebLogic 12. In each case, after installing WebLogic and P6 EPPM, I get an error similar to the one below when trying to start the Node Manager:

<Feb 6, 2018 9:58:31 PM JST>
<INFO> <Loading identity key store: FileName=<DOMAIN_HOME>/security/DemoIdentity.jks, Type=jks, PassPhraseUsed=true>
<Feb 6, 2018 9:58:31 PM JST> <SEVERE> <Fatal error in NodeManager server>
weblogic.nodemanager.common.ConfigException: Identity key store file not found: <DOMAIN_HOME>/security/DemoIdentity.jks
at weblogic.nodemanager.server.SSLConfig.loadKeyStoreConfig(
at weblogic.nodemanager.server.SSLConfig.access$000(
at weblogic.nodemanager.server.SSLConfig$
at Method)
at weblogic.nodemanager.server.SSLConfig.<init>(
at weblogic.nodemanager.server.NMServer.<init>(
at weblogic.nodemanager.server.NMServer.getInstance(
at weblogic.nodemanager.server.NMServer.main(
at weblogic.NodeManager.main(

From what I can tell, this must be caused by a bug in the particular version of WebLogic I’m running. Fortunately, there is a fix. This is not the only fix (or only possible cause) of this error, but it is the fix that has worked for me every time, so far.

On Windows machines, execute the following statements:

> cd %ORACLE_HOME%\wlserver\server\bin

> .\setWLSEnv.cmd

> cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\security

> java utils.CertGen -keyfilepass DemoIdentityPassPhrase -certfile democert -keyfile demokey -strength 2048 <strong>-noskid</strong>

> java utils.ImportPrivateKey -keystore DemoIdentity.jks -storepass DemoIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase -keyfile demokey.pem -keyfilepass DemoIdentityPassPhrase -certfile democert.pem -alias demoidentity

For Linux/UNIX, it is slightly different:

> cd $ORACLE_HOME/wlserver/server/bin

> . ./ (that is DOT SPACE DOT SLASH )

> cd $DOMAIN_HOME/security

> java utils.CertGen -keyfilepass DemoIdentityPassPhrase -certfile democert -keyfile demokey -strength 2048 <strong>-noskid</strong>

> java utils.ImportPrivateKey -keystore DemoIdentity.jks -storepass DemoIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase -keyfile demokey.pem -keyfilepass DemoIdentityPassPhrase -certfile democert.pem -alias demoidentity

This information can be found at Oracle WebLogic DemoIdentity.jks fix. I had to wade through several irrelevant articles before stumbling across this one, so I’d like to give it more attention, as it’s the fix that worked multiple times for me.

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