Updating the PrmBootStrap.xml Primavera P6 DB Configuration File on Citrix Servers

I support an environment where users access the Primavera P6 thick client on Windows via Citrix.

If I connect to the Database Configuration app and add, modify, or delete the connection to a P6 database, the PrmBootStrap.xml file that is in my profile. For the version we are using (8.2), that location is C:\Users(username)\AppData\Local\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional. It appears that the file is also copied to the “%PROGRAMDATA%\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional” folder and the “All Users” profile (if it exists) as well, in “C:\Users\All Users\AppData\Local\Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional”.
In the code below, I copy from the ProgramData folder instead of from my profile, but it would be easy to eliminate the outer for loop and uncomment two lines to make it copy from my profile.

Since I have multiple Citrix servers for P6, I normally would manually copy the file to the folders on the other Citrix servers so that the users will have the same list no matter where they log on. To simplify this, I wrote this Windows batch script to automate this copy process.

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem //Citrix servers hosting Primavera P6 should be in the serverlist variable, separated by spaces
set serverlist=citrixserver1 citrixserver2 citrixserver3
rem //Windows username of person who has standard file
set usersname=foobar

set programdataunc=%PROGRAMDATA::=$%
set filepath=Oracle\Primavera P6\P6 Professional
set filename=PrmBootStrap.xml

rem set Sourceloc="C:\Users\%usersname%\AppData\Local\%filepath%\%filename%"

for %%s in (%serverlist%) do (
	set Sourceloc="\\%%s\%programdataunc%\%filepath%\%filename%"

	if not exist !Sourceloc! (
		echo No file found: !Sourceloc!
	) else (
		for %%a in (!Sourceloc!) do set SourceFileDate=%%~ta

		set offset=0
		if "!SourceFileDate:~-2!" == "PM" set offset=12
		set /a "SourceFileDateHour=!SourceFileDate:~11,2!+!offset!"
		set "SourceFileDateCompare=!SourceFileDate:~6,4!!SourceFileDate:~0,2!!SourceFileDate:~3,2!!SourceFileDateHour!!SourceFileDate:~14,2!"					

		for %%x in (%serverlist%) do (
			echo DestinationServer = %%x
			echo SourceServer = %%s
			echo .
			if not %%x==%%s (
				set firstloc="\\%%x\%programdataunc%\%filepath%\%filename%"
				set secondloc="\\%%x\C$\Users\All Users\%filepath%\%filename%"

				for %%y in (!firstloc! !secondloc!) do (
					if exist %%y (
						echo =-=-=-=-=-=
						for %%a in (%%y) do set DestinationFileDate=%%~ta
						set offset=0
						if "!DestinationFileDate:~-2!" == "PM" set offset=12
						set /a "DestinationFileDateHour=!DestinationFileDate:~11,2!+!offset!"
						set "DestinationFileDateCompare=!DestinationFileDate:~6,4!!DestinationFileDate:~0,2!!DestinationFileDate:~3,2!!DestinationFileDateHour!!DestinationFileDate:~14,2!"
						echo DestinationFileDateCompare = !DestinationFileDateCompare!
						echo SourceFileDateCompare = !SourceFileDateCompare!
						echo .
						if "!SourceFileDateCompare!" gtr "!DestinationFileDateCompare!" (
							set NewDestinationFileName=!filename!_!DestinationFileDateCompare!
							echo !NewDestinationFileName!
							ren %%y !NewDestinationFileName!
							copy !Sourceloc! %%y
						) else (
							echo Destination file %%y is newer than or the same as !Sourceloc!.
						echo =-=-=-=-=-=
					) else (
						echo =x=x=x=x=x=
						echo INFO: %%y not found
						echo =x=x=x=x=x=
			) else (
				echo Destination and Source servers are the same: no file copied.
rem pause

If you uncomment the pause command at the end, you can look at the command window to make sure it’s working properly.

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