Merry Christmas!
This will be a short post – I guess Code School must make minor changes to their user profile code about this time each year, as it was just a year ago that I had to update this code.
For the codeschool.php file, change this:
/* disabling the anchor tags on each badge by changing to divs */
$full_content = str_replace("<a href","<div class",$full_content);
$full_content = str_replace("</a>","</div>",$full_content);
to this:
/* disabling the anchor tags on each badge by changing to divs */
$full_content = str_replace("<a rel=\"tooltip\" ","<div ",$full_content);
$full_content = str_replace("href=\"/learn","data-href=\"",$full_content);
$full_content = str_replace("</a>","</div>",$full_content);
This will eliminate the links that would be intended to point at the Code School paths, but instead end up being broken links pointing at your own site.
Have a Happy New Year!